For the past 3 1/2 months, I have been the working woman. Well, I have been working longer then that-- but that is when my husband was laid off. It has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. No one ever expects something like this to happen to them, but I have decided to look at this in a good way.
First, my son now has a stay at home parent.

Jesse is our first child and it is so fun watching him learn and grow. Charles has been also learning a lot from being a stay at home dad because it isn't as easy peasy as he thought it would be! (Ha Ha, he thought it was easy). It is hard to leave the two of them every morning and trudge my way to work, but I know that they both will be so happy to see me when I get home at night.
Second, Chuck has been able to go back to school full time. It is difficult trying to squeeze in homework between macaroni and patty-cake, but he is learning fast on how to be a juggler. He is currently taking night and online classes. Hopefully this will speed up the degree process (much better than the one class he was taking a semester).

Finally, Job searching can open your eyes. Trying to find a job when companies are cutting back is difficult; it can be hard on the optimism as well.

That is why, I am so glad that job searching has brought out the best in us. Well, at least in me :) The more we look for jobs and realize there isnt much that a. he qualifies for or b. that he could actually do, I remember all that we have. First, I have a wonderful job. I am good at what I do and I try hard so that I can be the best. Second, my husband is able to receive unemployment. Yeah, it stinks for me to think he gets more from unemployment then I do working 40 hours a week, but hey! we need it! Third, we are still being blessed. The Lord hasnt stopped caring for us just because of this. In fact, he is definitely making sure that we are taken care of as long as we are taking care of ourselves.