Contact us if you want us to review a product, if you want to host a giveaway, or if you want to blog swap.

We're always willing to feature your craft, recipe, or great ideas.
Email us!! We love hearing from our readers!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bright Blocks Table Runner

What started out as a bunch of strips of brightly colored fabric, soon turned into my first Table Runner.  I didn't know what I was doing, so I asked Tiffany a lot of questions, Googled some tutorials, and made up my own design.  

My friend Madison is getting married today and I wanted her to have something fun and springy for her table.  This is the end product:

I drew up a basic design and then Jesse and I laid out the pieces. I had sewed my strips together and then cut them and turned them so that they were going all kinds of ways. 

piecing it together

One of the 16 stitches on my sewing machine.  What is that? I should have more than 16 stitches? I thought so too! My husband bought me a new sewing machine for Christmas!! I haven't been able to play with it yet, but I know it will be lots of fun! 

The front

The back and my first attempt at hand stitching binding on.

Wow! After this table runner, I feel like making a quilt. I really hope Madison and her new husband enjoy it and that it will bring a smile to their faces

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fun in the Snow

I just think he's adorable all bundled up :)

Attack of the snow bank

Trying to make his own snowballs.
Trying to sew sew sew and finish up Christmas gifts. (Wow, it's creeping up and I'm not done!!!)
Hope everyones Holidays are full of family and fun.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quick Trick Blanket

This weekend my FIL was cuddled up in his recliner under this ratty old fleece blanket:
Can you see that yellow and gold blanket??

This is the fleece we chose

I made curves at the corners - instead of metered binding.

He says its super warm, but it needed to be replaced.  So I got 2 yards of cute fleece, and some matching flannel, and set to make a blanket similar to what he already had.  I didn't layer it - just the one layer of fleece.  The flanel I cut into 2 inch strips, and then had the raw edges meet in half, so that I could use it as a binding and only sew it once.  Now he will have this blanket to open for Christmas.  This was my first attempt at a blanket like this - it was weird for me to do blanket this way....I'm very bad at machine binding, so some of my stitches are uneven.  I don't think it's very noticeable unless you take a closeup picture...I hope he loves it!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Making Marshmallowy Memories with Mommy

I've seen the chocolate covered marshmallow pops all over blog land.  I decided this would be something that Jesse could really help with.  We had tons of fun (decided to skip the sticks) and he made a whole bag choosing what kinds of toppings (sprinkles, green sugar crystals, crushed trix, or crushed cinnamon cookies). 

Setting up the Sprinkles

Getting a mouthful.  He is wearing his cousin's apron because his apron is wrapped and under the tree.

The chocolate was really warm so I would dip it and let it cool for a couple of seconds before letting him pick what to dip it in. 

We both like chocolate. :D

We had lots of fun.  I cant believe how much he was enjoying it (he is only two), and how much he wanted to do on his own.  We got through almost the whole bag before he was done dipping and just eating the sprinkles again.

Hope you have fun making memories with your kids this Holiday Season! Merry Christmas! 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Giveaway Winner

Here are the random numbers chosen:
4 -
1ibelaura said...
5robin said...
6great fabric! Love the blue.  
9Will be emailing the winners now. 
10 Thanks to everyone who entered and stopped by.  Now I gotta run and finish binding this table runner I need for dinner party tonight!
13Edited : I don't know what I did - but I have weird numbers all over this post (those that read this on the blog site and not in their reader).  I'm sorry!  Please ignore them until I can figure out what I goofed on.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

These are a few of our favorite things...

Giveaway Now Closed

I dare you to get that song out of your head now :)

In the spirit of Christmas, and giving, we would like the chance to share something with all of our virtual friends - and here is a little bit of my favorite things (yes, I love pink)
Pink Bundle

Blue Bundle

I love these together - doesn't it scream little boy? :D

And this little stack of fabric can be yours! To enter this giveaway, all you have to do is leave us a comment telling us which color of fabric, or both, you'd prefer if you're a winner!   If you want another chance at some of my favorite things - I'm also having a giveaway at my other blog here, so it's really a 3 part giveaway! 3 chances to win!!!  Feel free to spread the word - you'll help us spread good cheer!

__The fine Print__
- 1 entry per person please
- Please make sure we can contact you via blogger email, or leave your email in the comment.
- Only open to those in the US and Canada
- Giveaway winner will be picked by RNG Saturday 9am Central time.  Winners name will be posted, and we will attempt to contact the winner.
- This is not a sponsored giveaway, each fabric bundle is from my stash, and each bundle is about 1 yard in total. All fabric is 100% cotton, quilting quality.

Thanks for visiting and good luck!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Facebook Friendly

I know how to work Facebook for talking to my friends. Heck, our Grandma even knows how to use Facebook. But when I set up the Honeybeebzz Facebook page a while back, I left it neglected because I was too confused. Well,  we are proud to announce that we are now on Facebook and want you to come check us out!

See this thing on the left hand column? That links to our Facebook page.  You can click "like" and it will like honeybeebzz on Facebook.  So, we will be posting a little more often on Facebook about exciting news or things we are thinking about.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Brownies, Forts and Santa - Pictures.

Jesse wore one of my aprons (poor guy!) to help me make brownies.  Another thing to make him for Christmas :D

He kept all the brownie mix in the bowl while he stirred. Impressive for two!

Don't judge. I ate the batter as a kid and Im doing just fine.

Building a living room fort with Dad.

My bestie Madison who I threw a Bridal Shower for (with her mom and sister's big help!)

This morning's thirty second bento.

The Neck pillow I sewed for Grannanny for Christmas. (surpirse!)

Jesse and Chuck and Chuck's work Christmas party

Jesse with his balloon Mickey Mouse

Merry Christmas!

Cute kid huh!